Compliance Audits Process Readiness

Component Audits


Regulator Compliance Audit Management

Regulators require regulated organizations to include their suppliers and downstream sub-processors in their compliance audits. This includes operational and digital security compliance focusing on quality, health, safety, and digital security. More recently there has been an inclusion of environmental and social governance (ESG) audits.

Regulators, audit bodies, and regulated organizations are restricted by cost (lack of time and resources) to achieve full value from the audit process, mainly because the risk of disruption is greatest further downstream in a supply chain.

Through its ability to build and maintain supply chain bills of materials (operational, data, and software), P3 Audit and its iTracker technology can identify and authenticate the legitimacy of every supplier product and service in a supply chain, and automate real-time compliance risk alerts. This negates the need for detailed forensic and extended contract reviews. 

Approved Digital Authentication is always preferred by auditors over supplier attestations. iTracker provides pre-audit readiness assessment.  Give your auditor access to the iTracker Auditor function. You can manage audit schedules and let the auditor run their process online remotely. Auditors can provide real-time feedback and in some cases also approve regulatory compliance and issue certification.  


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