OneTrust Vendor Validation Service

OneTrust Vendor Validation Service

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Assessment Validation

Trust but verify. It’s difficult to validate whether a third party’s security controls are in place. With assessment validation, our team and partner network can validate assessments on your behalf, testing controls to evaluate the legitimacy and accuracy of a vendor risk assessment.

Define assessment validation levels based on where vendors fall in your defined risk tiers. Choose vendor self-attestation or order remote and onsite validations – performed by industry-leading consultancies – directly through the platform.

Determine Assessment Validation Levels with Vendor Tiering

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment

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Determine Assessment Validation Levels with Vendor Tiering

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I will obey your orders. I will serve this ship as First Officer. And in an attack against the Enterprise, I will die with this crew.

"Sure. You'd be surprised how far a hug goes with Geordi, or Worf. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly! Is it my imagination, or have tempers become a little frayed on the ship lately?"


CEO - The Backsplash

"Sure. You'd be surprised how far a hug goes with Geordi, or Worf. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly! Is it my imagination, or have tempers become a little frayed on the ship lately?"


CEO - The Backsplash

"Sure. You'd be surprised how far a hug goes with Geordi, or Worf. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly! Is it my imagination, or have tempers become a little frayed on the ship lately?"


CEO - The Backsplash

"Sure. You'd be surprised how far a hug goes with Geordi, or Worf. I'd like to think that I haven't changed those things, sir. Yes, absolutely, I do indeed concur, wholeheartedly! Is it my imagination, or have tempers become a little frayed on the ship lately?"


CEO - The Backsplash

Testing Business Compliance, Building Business Resilience

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